Monday, February 6, 2012

Suspicious... Ugh

I can't get my hooves on (or my head around) a nice proof of Schur Orthogonality.  I still don't know how to fill in the gaps left in the proof in Serre's book, and all the online proofs I've found involve taking a straight shot of category theory. 
I know, right?
I don't think I have any readers to disappoint right now, but for the people who somehow stumbled in here and are following this business... I'm taking a break from this character theory stuff.  I really ought to learn all the math in these lecture-thingies before I start writing them...

I'mma try to learn some stuff about manifolds while I wait for Mac Lane's book on Category Theory to come in the mail...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a reader! But, to be honest, not awfully disappointed, since I've understood the other stuff you've posted a little better than I did that. (Although I'll probably have another go at working it out if you come back to it later.)
